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- Neuroblastom-Studie
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Ab dem 01.01.17 wurde die Rekrutierung der Studien NB2004/ NB2004-HR beendet. Nationale Empfehlungen zur Behandlung von Patienten mit Neuroblastom wurden publiziert (Simon T et al, Klin Pädiat 2017; 229:147-167)
Das Team
Martina Breuer, Studiensekretariat
Anne Stermann, Studiensekretariat
Christian Fiedler, Studienarzt
- Wachowiak, R., H. Till, R. Metzger, U. Bierbach, T. Simon, B. Sattler, T. Aigner, O. Sabri, and R. Kluge, Residual lymph node metastasis in stage 4 neuroblastoma-advantage of radio-guided surgery? Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2010. 27(6): p. 471-5.
- Sudbrock, F., M. Schmidt, T. Simon, W. Eschner, F. Berthold, and H. Schicha, Dosimetry for 131I-MIBG therapies in metastatic neuroblastoma, phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2010. 37(7): p. 1279-90.
- Simon, T., F. Berthold, A. Borkhardt, B. Kremens, B. De Carolis, and B. Hero, Treatment and outcomes of patients with relapsed, high-risk neuroblastoma: Results of German trials. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2010.
- Schmidt, M., R.P. Baum, T. Simon, and R. Howman-Giles, Therapeutic nuclear medicine in pediatric malignancy. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2010. 54(4): p. 411-28.
- Oberthuer, A., B. Hero, F. Berthold, D. Juraeva, A. Faldum, Y. Kahlert, S. Asgharzadeh, R. Seeger, P. Scaruffi, G.P. Tonini, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, O. Delattre, G. Schleiermacher, J. Vandesompele, J. Vermeulen, F. Speleman, R. Noguera, M. Piqueras, J. Benard, A. Valent, S. Avigad, I. Yaniv, A. Weber, H. Christiansen, R.G. Grundy, K. Schardt, M. Schwab, R. Eils, P. Warnat, L. Kaderali, T. Simon, B. Decarolis, J. Theissen, F. Westermann, B. Brors, and M. Fischer, Prognostic impact of gene expression-based classification for neuroblastoma. J Clin Oncol, 2010. 28(21): p. 3506-15.
- De Preter, K., J. Vermeulen, B. Brors, O. Delattre, A. Eggert, M. Fischer, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, C. Lavarino, J.M. Maris, J. Mora, A. Nakagawara, A. Oberthuer, M. Ohira, G. Schleiermacher, A. Schramm, J.H. Schulte, Q. Wang, F. Westermann, F. Speleman, and J. Vandesompele, Accurate outcome prediction in neuroblastoma across independent data sets using a multigene signature. Clin Cancer Res, 2010. 16(5): p. 1532-41.
- Ackermann, S., F. Goeser, J.H. Schulte, A. Schramm, V. Ehemann, B. Hero, A. Eggert, F. Berthold, and M. Fischer, Polo-like kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in high-risk neuroblastoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2010.
- Voth, H., A. Oberthuer, T. Simon, Y. Kahlert, F. Berthold, and M. Fischer, Co-regulated expression of HAND2 and DEIN by a bidirectional promoter with asymmetrical activity in neuroblastoma. BMC Mol Biol, 2009. 10: p. 28.
- Vermeulen, J., K. De Preter, A. Naranjo, L. Vercruysse, N. Van Roy, J. Hellemans, K. Swerts, S. Bravo, P. Scaruffi, G.P. Tonini, B. De Bernardi, R. Noguera, M. Piqueras, A. Canete, V. Castel, I. Janoueix-Lerosey, O. Delattre, G. Schleiermacher, J. Michon, V. Combaret, M. Fischer, A. Oberthuer, P.F. Ambros, K. Beiske, J. Benard, B. Marques, H. Rubie, J. Kohler, U. Potschger, R. Ladenstein, M.D. Hogarty, P. McGrady, W.B. London, G. Laureys, F. Speleman, and J. Vandesompele, Predicting outcomes for children with neuroblastoma using a multigene-expression signature: a retrospective SIOPEN/COG/GPOH study. Lancet Oncol, 2009. 10(7): p. 663-71.
- Theissen, J., M. Boensch, R. Spitz, D. Betts, S. Stegmaier, H. Christiansen, F. Niggli, F. Schilling, M. Schwab, T. Simon, F. Westermann, F. Berthold, and B. Hero, Heterogeneity of the MYCN oncogene in neuroblastoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2009. 15(6): p. 2085-90.
- Stutterheim, J., A. Gerritsen, L. Zappeij-Kannegieter, B. Yalcin, R. Dee, M.M. van Noesel, F. Berthold, R. Versteeg, H.N. Caron, C.E. van der Schoot, and G.A. Tytgat, Detecting minimal residual disease in neuroblastoma: the superiority of a panel of real-time quantitative PCR markers. Clin Chem, 2009. 55(7): p. 1316-26.
- Oehme, I., H.E. Deubzer, D. Wegener, D. Pickert, J.P. Linke, B. Hero, A. Kopp-Schneider, F. Westermann, S.M. Ulrich, A. von Deimling, M. Fischer, and O. Witt, Histone deacetylase 8 in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis. Clin Cancer Res, 2009. 15(1): p. 91-9.
- Oberthuer, A., J. Theissen, F. Westermann, B. Hero, and M. Fischer, Molecular characterization and classification of neuroblastoma. Future Oncol, 2009. 5(5): p. 625-39.
- Nevo, I., A. Oberthuer, E. Botzer, O. Sagi-Assif, S. Maman, M. Pasmanik-Chor, N. Kariv, M. Fischer, I. Yron, and I.P. Witz, Gene-expression-based analysis of local and metastatic neuroblastoma variants reveals a set of genes associated with tumor progression in neuroblastoma patients. Int J Cancer, 2009. 126(7): p. 1570-81.
- Monclair, T., G.M. Brodeur, P.F. Ambros, H.J. Brisse, G. Cecchetto, K. Holmes, M. Kaneko, W.B. London, K.K. Matthay, J.G. Nuchtern, D. von Schweinitz, T. Simon, S.L. Cohn, and A.D. Pearson, The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) staging system: an INRG Task Force report. J Clin Oncol, 2009. 27(2): p. 298-303.
- Kaatsch, P., I. Reinisch, C. Spix, F. Berthold, G. Janka-Schaub, A. Mergenthaler, . Michaelis, and M. Blettner, Case-control study on the therapy of childhood cancer and the occurrence of second malignant neoplasms in Germany. Cancer Causes Control, 2009. 20(6): p. 965-80.
- Fischer, M., T. Bauer, A. Oberthur, B. Hero, J. Theissen, M. Ehrich, R. Spitz, R. Eils, F. Westermann, B. Brors, R. Konig, and F. Berthold, Integrated genomic profiling identifies two distinct molecular subtypes with divergent outcome in neuroblastoma with loss of chromosome 11q. Oncogene, 2009. 29(6): p. 865-75.
- Cohn, S.L., A.D. Pearson, W.B. London, T. Monclair, P.F. Ambros, G.M. Brodeur, A. Faldum, B. Hero, T. Iehara, D. Machin, V. Mosseri, T. Simon, A. Garaventa, V. Castel, and K.K. Matthay, The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) classification system: an INRG Task Force report. J Clin Oncol, 2009. 27(2): p. 289-97.
- Benz-Bohm, G., B. Hero, A. Gossmann, T. Simon, F. Korber, and F. Berthold, Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver in longterm survivors of neuroblastoma: how much diagnostic imaging is necessary? Eur J Radiol, 2009. 74(3): p. e1-5.
- Wilken, B., M. Baumann, C.G. Bien, B. Hero, K. Rostasy, and F. Hanefeld, Chronic relapsing opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome: combination of cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone pulses. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 2008. 12(1): p. 51-5.
- Westermann, F., D. Muth, A. Benner, T. Bauer, K.O. Henrich, A. Oberthuer, B. Brors, T. Beissbarth, J. Vandesompele, F. Pattyn, B. Hero, R. Konig, M. Fischer, and M. Schwab, Distinct transcriptional MYCN/c-MYC activities are associated with spontaneous regression or malignant progression in neuroblastomas. Genome Biol, 2008. 9(10): p. R150.
- Stutterheim, J., A. Gerritsen, L. Zappeij-Kannegieter, I. Kleijn, R. Dee, L. Hooft, M.M. van Noesel, M. Bierings, F. Berthold, R. Versteeg, H.N. Caron, C.E. van der Schoot, and G.A. Tytgat, PHOX2B is a novel and specific marker for minimal residual disease testing in neuroblastoma. J Clin Oncol, 2008. 26(33): p. 5443-9.
- Simon, T., B. Hero, G. Benz-Bohm, D. von Schweinitz, and F. Berthold, Review of image defined risk factors in localized neuroblastoma patients: Results of the GPOH NB97 trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2008. 50(5): p. 965-9.
- Schmidt, M., T. Simon, B. Hero, H. Schicha, and F. Berthold, The prognostic impact of functional imaging with (123)I-mIBG in patients with stage 4 neuroblastoma >1 year of age on a high-risk treatment protocol: results of the German Neuroblastoma Trial NB97. Eur J Cancer, 2008. 44(11): p. 1552-8.
- Hero, B., Berthold, F., Neuroblastoma. Leitlinien Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, ed. D. Reinhardt. 2008: Urban & Fischer. L5 1-5.
- Hero, B., Simon, T., Spitz, R., Ernestus, K., Gnekow, A., Scheel-Walter, HG., Schwabe, D., Schilling, FH., Benz-Bohm, G., Berthold, F., Localized infant neuroblastomas often show spontaneous regression: Results of the prospective trials NB95-S and NB97. J Clin Oncol, 2008. 26(9): p. 1504-1509.
- Franzius, C., M. Schmidt, B. Hero, T. Pfluger, and K. Hahn, [Procedure guidelines for MIBG-scintigraphy in children]. Nuklearmedizin, 2008. 47(3): p. 132-8.
- Ertle, F., W. Behnisch, N.A. Al Mulla, M. Bessisso, D. Rating, G. Mechtersheimer, B. Hero, and A.E. Kulozik, Treatment of neuroblastoma-related opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome with high-dose dexamethasone pulses. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2008. 50(3): p. 683-7.
- Voth, H., A. Oberthuer, T. Simon, Y. Kahlert, F. Berthold, and M. Fischer, Identification of DEIN, a novel gene with high expression levels in stage IVS neuroblastoma. Mol Cancer Res, 2007. 5(12): p. 1276-84.
- Simon, T., A. Langler, U. Harnischmacher, M.C. Fruhwald, N. Jorch, A. Claviez, F. Berthold, and B. Hero, Topotecan, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide (TCE) in the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma. Results of a phase-II trial. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2007.
- Simon, T., A. Langler, F. Berthold, T. Klingebiel, and B. Hero, Topotecan and etoposide in the treatment of relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma: results of a phase 2 trial. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2007. 29(2): p. 101-6.
- Opel, D., C. Poremba, T. Simon, K.M. Debatin, and S. Fulda, Activation of Akt predicts poor outcome in neuroblastoma. Cancer Res, 2007. 67(2): p. 735-45.
- Oberthuer, A., P. Warnat, Y. Kahlert, F. Westermann, R. Spitz, B. Brors, B. Hero, R. Eils, M. Schwab, F. Berthold, and M. Fischer, Classification of neuroblastoma patients by published gene-expression markers reveals a low sensitivity for unfavorable courses of MYCN non-amplified disease. Cancer Lett, 2007. 250(2): p. 250-267.
- Jensen, M. and F. Berthold, Targeting the neural cell adhesion molecule in cancer. Cancer Lett, 2007. 258(1): p. 9-21.
- Jensen, M., Klehr, M., Vogel, A., Schmitz, S., Tawadros, S., Mühlenhoff, M., Plück, A., Fischer, T., Schomäcker, K., Schultze, JL., Berthold, F., One step generation of fully chimeric antibodies using Cy1-and Ck mutant mice. J Immunother, 2007. 30: p. 338-349.
- Berthold, F., Neuroblastoma, in Therapiekonzepte Onkologie, S. Seeber, Schütte, J., Editor. 2007, Springer: Heidelberg. p. 1023-1030.
- Sudbrock, F., W. Eschner, M. Schmidt, T. Simon, B. Hero, and H. Schicha, [Dosimetry for therapeutic treatment of neuroblastoma by 131I-mIBG]. Nuklearmedizin, 2006. 45(6): p. 254-61.
- Spitz, R., A. Oberthuer, M. Zapatka, B. Brors, B. Hero, K. Ernestus, J. Oestreich, M. Fischer, T. Simon, and F. Berthold, Oligonucleotide array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) of 90 neuroblastomas reveals aberration patterns closely associated with relapse pattern and outcome. Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 2006. 45(12): p. 1130-42.
- Spitz, R., B. Hero, T. Simon, and F. Berthold, Loss in chromosome 11q identifies tumors with increased risk for metastatic relapses in localized and 4S neuroblastoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2006. 12(11 Pt 1): p. 3368-73.
- Spitz, R., D.R. Betts, T. Simon, M. Boensch, J. Oestreich, F.K. Niggli, K. Ernestus, F. Berthold, and B. Hero, Favorable outcome of triploid neuroblastomas: a contribution to the special oncogenesis of neuroblastoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 2006. 167(1): p. 51-6.
- Simon, T., R. Spitz, B. Hero, F. Berthold, and A. Faldum, Risk estimation in localized unresectable single copy MYCN neuroblastoma by the status of chromosomes 1p and 11q. Cancer Lett, 2006. 237(2): p. 215-22.
- Simon, T., B. Hero, R. Bongartz, M. Schmidt, R.P. Muller, and F. Berthold, Intensified external-beam radiation therapy improves the outcome of stage 4 neuroblastoma in children > 1 year with residual local disease. Strahlenther Onkol, 2006. 182(7): p. 389-94.
- Schmidt, M., T. Simon, B. Hero, W. Eschner, M. Dietlein, F. Sudbrock, R. Bongartz, F. Berthold, and H. Schicha, Is there a benefit of 131 I-MIBG therapy in the treatment of children with stage 4 neuroblastoma? A retrospective evaluation of The German Neuroblastoma Trial NB97 and implications for The German Neuroblastoma Trial NB2004. Nuklearmedizin, 2006. 45(4): p. 145-51; quiz N39-40.
- Rostasy, K., B. Wilken, M. Baumann, K. Muller-Deile, I. Bieber, J. Gartner, P. Moller, P. Angelini, and B. Hero, High dose pulsatile dexamethasone therapy in children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome. Neuropediatrics, 2006. 37(5): p. 291-5.
- Otto, C., M. Jensen, M. Dietlein, T. Fischer, M. Schmidt, S. Tawadros, S.M. Borner, S.A. Weber, R. Spitz, W. Bloch, F. Berthold, H. Schicha, and K. Schomacker, Localization of 131I-labelled monoclonal antibody ERIC1 in a subcutaneous xenograft model of neuroblastoma in SCID mice. Nucl Med Commun, 2006. 27(2): p. 171-8.
- Oberthuer, A., F. Berthold, P. Warnat, B. Hero, Y. Kahlert, R. Spitz, K. Ernestus, R. Konig, S. Haas, R. Eils, M. Schwab, B. Brors, F. Westermann, and M. Fischer, Customized oligonucleotide microarray gene expression-based classification of neuroblastoma patients outperforms current clinical risk stratification. J Clin Oncol, 2006. 24(31): p. 5070-8.
- Hufnagel, M., A. Claviez, N. Czech, M. Schmidt, and B. Hero, Neuroblastoma stage 4S with 123I-MIBG-positive bone marrow involvement. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2006. 46(2): p. 264-5.
- Hero, B., Berthold, F., Neuroblastom, in Kurzgefasste interdisziplinäre Leitlinien 2006, A. Garbe, Beckmann, Editor. 2006, Zuckschwerdt Verlag. p. 508-511.
- Fulda, S., C. Poremba, B. Berwanger, S. Hacker, M. Eilers, H. Christiansen, B. Hero, and K.M. Debatin, Loss of caspase-8 expression does not correlate with MYCN amplification, aggressive disease, or prognosis in neuroblastoma. Cancer Res, 2006. 66(20): p. 10016-23.
- Fischer, M., A. Oberthuer, B. Brors, Y. Kahlert, M. Skowron, H. Voth, P. Warnat, K. Ernestus, B. Hero, and F. Berthold, Differential expression of neuronal genes defines subtypes of disseminated neuroblastoma with favorable and unfavorable outcome. Clin Cancer Res, 2006. 12(17): p. 5118-28.
- Wolfl, M., A.A. Jungbluth, F. Garrido, T. Cabrera, S. Meyen-Southard, R. Spitz, K. Ernestus, and F. Berthold, Expression of MHC class I, MHC class II, and cancer germline antigens in neuroblastoma. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 2005. 54(4): p. 400-6.
- Simon, T., B. Hero, A. Faldum, R. Handgretinger, M. Schrappe, D. Niethammer, and F. Berthold, Infants with stage 4 neuroblastoma: the impact of the chimeric anti-GD2-antibody ch14.18 consolidation therapy. Klin Padiatr, 2005. 217(3): p. 147-52.
- Simon, T., [Neuroblastoma]. Urologe A, 2005. 44(5): p. 543-54; 555.
- Oberthuer, A., M. Skowron, R. Spitz, Y. Kahlert, F. Westermann, K. Mehler, F. Berthold, and M. Fischer, Characterization of a complex genomic alteration on chromosome 2p that leads to four alternatively spliced fusion transcripts in the neuroblastoma cell lines IMR-5, IMR-5/75 and IMR-32. Gene, 2005. 363: p. 41-50.
- Matthay, K.K., F. Blaes, B. Hero, D. Plantaz, P. De Alarcon, W.G. Mitchell, M. Pike, and V. Pistoia, Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome in neuroblastoma a report from a workshop on the dancing eyes syndrome at the advances in neuroblastoma meeting in Genoa, Italy, 2004. Cancer Lett, 2005. 228(1-2): p. 275-82.
- London, W.B., L. Boni, T. Simon, F. Berthold, C. Twist, M.L. Schmidt, R.P. Castleberry, K.K. Matthay, S.L. Cohn, and B. De Bernardi, The role of age in neuroblastoma risk stratification: the German, Italian, and children's oncology group perspectives. Cancer Lett, 2005. 228(1-2): p. 257-66.
- Ladenstein, R., Berthold, F., Ambros, I., Ambros, P., Neuroblastome, in Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie, H. Gadner, Gaedicke, G., Niemeyer, R., Ritter, J., Editor. 2005, Springer Verlag. p. 829-846.
- Hero, B., Berthold, F., Neuroblastoma, in Leitlinien Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, D. Reinhardt, Editor. 2005, Urban & Fischer. p. L5 1-5.
- Fischer, M., Oberthuer, A., von Schweinitz, D., Simon, T., Das Neuroblastom. Der Onkologe, 2005. 11: p. 1054-1064.
- Eich, H.T., R.P. Muller, O. Micke, M. Kocher, F. Berthold, and B. Hero, Esthesioneuroblastoma in childhood and adolescence. Better prognosis with multimodal treatment? Strahlenther Onkol, 2005. 181(6): p. 378-84.
- De Bernardi, B., W. Balwierz, J. Bejent, S.L. Cohn, M.L. Garre, T. Iehara, D. Plantaz, T. Simon, P. Angelini, A. Cama, W.B. London, K. Kramer, H.M. Katzenstein, P. Tortori-Donati, A. Rossi, G.J. D'Angio, and A.E. Evans, Epidural compression in neuroblastoma: Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Cancer Lett, 2005. 228(1-2): p. 283-99.
- Blaes, F., V. Fuhlhuber, M. Korfei, M. Tschernatsch, W. Behnisch, K. Rostasy, B. Hero, M. Kaps, and K.T. Preissner, Surface-binding autoantibodies to cerebellar neurons in opsoclonus syndrome. Ann Neurol, 2005. 58(2): p. 313-7.
- Berthold, F., J. Boos, S. Burdach, R. Erttmann, G. Henze, J. Hermann, T. Klingebiel, B. Kremens, F.H. Schilling, M. Schrappe, T. Simon, and B. Hero, Myeloablative megatherapy with autologous stem-cell rescue versus oral maintenance chemotherapy as consolidation treatment in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol, 2005. 6(9): p. 649-58.
- Berthold, F., Neuroblastom, in Kompendium Internistische Onkologie, H. Schmoll, Possinger, Editor. 2005, Springer Verlag. p. 843-846.
- Berthold, F., Simon, T., Clinical Presentation, in Neuroblastoma, N.K. Cheung, Cohn, S.L., Editor. 2005, Springer Verlag. p. 63-85.