Experimentelle Kinderonkologie

Der Fokus unserer Arbeiten liegt auf der Erforschung der Pathogenese des Neuroblastoms und der Übertragung neuer molekularer Erkenntnisse in die klinische Anwendung. Unser Ziel ist, durch ein besseres Verständnis der Tumorbiologie die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Neuroblastom-Patienten zu verbessern.

Prof. Dr.--Fischer-Matthias
Prof. Dr. Matthias Fischer

Leitung Experimentelle Kinderonkologie

In Deutschland erkranken jährlich etwa 130 Kinder an einem Neuroblastom. Das Neuroblastom ist ein Tumor, der sich zumeist im Bauch- oder Brustraum aus Zellen des peripheren Nervensystems entwickelt. Die Erkrankung weist äußerst unterschiedliche Verläufe auf: Bei etwa der Hälfte der betroffenen Kinder kommt es zu einem aggressiven Tumorwachstum, das trotz intensiver Behandlung oft zum Tod der Patienten führt. In anderen Fällen hingegen bildet sich das Neuroblastom spontan zurück und die Erkrankung heilt ohne eine belastende Chemotherapie aus. Die genetischen Ursachen und die molekularen Prozesse dieser unterschiedlichen Verlaufsformen sind bis heute nicht komplett verstanden.

Zur umfassenden molekularen Charakterisierung der verschiedenen Verlaufsformen des Neuroblastoms nutzen wir moderne Hochdurchsatz-Technologien, wie z.B. Next Generation Sequencing und Microarray-Profiling. Hierdurch können wir tumorspezifische genetische Veränderungen identifizieren, die Aufschluss über die molekularen Mechanismen von Tumor-Regression und –Progression geben und den klinischen Verlauf der Patienten vorhersagen können. Die funktionelle Relevanz der genetischen Veränderungen prüfen wir in Zellkultur-Experimenten und transgenen Mausmodellen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung neuer Therapieansätze, die gezielt in krebsspezifische Signalwege des Tumors eingreifen. Die Ergebnisse unserer experimentellen Studien nutzen wir zur Entwicklung klinischer Studien, in denen neue diagnostische und therapeutische Verfahren unter kontrollierten Bedingungen geprüft werden.

Das Team

Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Ackermann
Dr. rer. medic. Christoph Bartenhagen
Dr. Boris Decarolis
Dr. Janina Fischer-Mertens
Dr. Anna-Maria Hellmann
Dr. Stefanie Höppner
Dr. Carolina Rosswog
Maya Berding
Jana Boland, cand. med.
Isa van den Bosch
Lina Brummel, cand. med.
Yvonne Kahlert
Alina Meeser
Nadjla Shala Mobarez
Judith Pinnen
Julia Riedel
Konstantin Schifferdecker
Lisa Werr


Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Matthias Fischer

I Originalarbeiten

Roderwieser A, Sand F, Walter E, Fischer J, Gecht J, Bartenhagen C, Ackermann S, Otte F, Welte A, Kahlert Y, Lieberz D, Hertwig F, Reinhardt HC, Simon T, Peifer M, Ortmann M, Büttner R, Hero B, O’Sullivan RJ, Berthold F, Fischer M
Telomerase is a prognostic marker of poor outcome and a therapeutic target in neuroblastoma. JCO Precis Oncol, in press.

Kreitz K, Ernst A, Schmidt R, Simon T, Fischer M, Volland R, Hero B, Berthold F
A new risk score for patients after first recurrence of stage 4 neuroblastoma aged ≥18 months at first diagnosis. Cancer Med, in press.

Wong M, Sun Y, Xi Z, Milazzo G, Poulos RC, Bartenhagen C, Bell JL, Mayoh C, Ho N, Tee AE, Chen X, Li Y, Ciaccio R, Liu PY, Jiang CC, Lan Q, Jayatilleke N, Cheung BB, Haber M, Norris MD, Zhang XD, Marshall GM, Wang JY, Hüttelmaier S, Fischer M, Wong JWH, Xu H, Perini G, Dong Q, George RE, Liu T
JMJD6 is a tumorigenic factor and therapeutic target in neuroblastoma. Nat Commun, 2019, 10(1): 3319.

Doz F, Locatelli F, Baruchel A, Blin N, De Moerloose B, Frappaz D, Dworzak M, Fischer M, Stary J, Fuertig R, Riemann K, Taube T, Reinhardt D
Phase I dose-escalation study of volasertib in pediatric patients with acute leukemia or advanced solid tumors. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2019, 66(10): e27900.

Campbell K, Shyr D, Bagatell R, Fischer M, Nakagawara A, Nieto AC, Brodeur GM, Matthay KK, London WB, DuBois SG
Comprehensive evaluation of context dependence of the prognostic impact of MYCN amplification in neuroblastoma: A report from the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) project. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2019, 66(8): e27819.

Rombaut D, Chiu HS, Decaesteker B, Everaert C, Yigit N, Peltier A, Janoueix I, Bartenhagen C, Fischer M, Roberts S, D’Haene N, De Preter K, Speleman F, Denecker G, Sumazin P, Vandesompele J, Lefever S, Mestdagh P
Integrative analysis identifies lincRNAs up- and downstream of neuroblastoma driver genes. Sci Rep, 2019, 9(1): 5685.

Gamble LD, Purgato S, Murray J, Xiao L, Yu DMT, Hanssen KM, Giorgi FM, Carter DR, Gifford AJ, Valli E, Milazzo G, Kamili A, Mayoh C, Liu B, Eden G, Sarraf S, Allan S, Di Giacomo S, Flemming CL, Russell AJ, Cheung BB, Oberthuer A, London WB, Fischer M, Trahair T, Fletcher JI, Marshall GM, Ziegler DS, Hogarty MD, Burns MR, Perini G, Norris MD, Haber M
MYCN regulates the polyamine pathway in neuroblastoma driving vulnerability to polyamine depletion strategies. Sci Transl Med, 2019, 11(477). pii: eaau1099.

Jachimowicz RD, Bhagya Bhavana V, Beleggia F, Isensee J, Goergens J, Bustos MA, Doll MA, Shenoy A, Checa-Rodriguez C, Wiederstein JL, Baranes-Bachar K, Bartenhagen C, Hertwig F, Teper N, Nishi T, Schmitt A, Distelmaier F, Lüdecke HJ, Albrecht B, Krüger M, Schumacher B, Geiger T, Hoon DSB, Huertas P, Fischer M, Hucho T, Peifer M, Ziv Y, Reinhardt HC, Wieczorek D, Shiloh Y
UBQLN4 regulates double-strand break repair by repressing homologous recombination and is overexpressed in aggressive tumors. Cell, 2019, 176(3): 505-519.

Ackermann S, Cartolano M, Hero B, Welte A, Kahlert Y, Roderwieser A, Bartenhagen C, Walter E, Gecht J, Kerschke L, Volland R, Menon R, Heuckmann JM, Gartlgruber M, Hartlieb S, Henrich KO, Okonechnikov K, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Lefever S, de Wilde B, Sand F, Ikram F, Rosswog C, Fischer J, Theissen J, Hertwig F, Singhi AD, Simon T, Vogel W, Perner S, Krug B, Schmidt M, Rahmann S, Achter V, Lang U, Vokuhl C, Ortmann M, Büttner R, Eggert A, Speleman F, O’Sullivan RJ, Thomas RK, Berthold FB, Vandesompele J, Schramm A, Westermann F, Schulte JH, Peifer M, Fischer M
A mechanistic classification of clinical phenotypes in neuroblastoma. Science, 2018, 362(6419): 1165-1170.

Zeka F, Decock A, van Goethem A, Vanderheyden K, Demuynck F, Lammens T, Helsmoortel HH, Vermeulen J, Noguera R, Berbegall AP, Combaret V, Schleiermacher G, Laureys G, Schramm A, Schulte JH, Rahmann S, Bienertova-Vasku J, Mazanek P, Jeison M, Ash S, Hogarty MD, Moreno-Smith M, Barbieri E, Shohet JM, Berthold F, van Maerken T, Speleman F, Fischer M, de Preter K, Mestdagh P, Vandesompele J.
Circulating microRNA biomarkers for metastatic disease in neuroblastoma patients. JCI Insight, 2018, 3(23). pii: 97021.

Dorneburg C, Fischer M, Barth T, Mueller-Klieser W, Hero B, Gecht J, Carter D, De Preter K, Mayer B, Christner L, Speleman F, Marshall G, Debatin KM, Beltinger C
LDHA in neuroblastoma is associated with poor outcome and its depletion decreases neuroblastoma growth independent of aerobic glycolysis. Clin Cancer Res, 2018, 24(22): 5772-5783.

Depuydt P, Boeva V, Hocking TD, Cannoodt R, Ambros IM, Ambros PF, Asgharzadeh S, Attiyeh EF, Combaret V, Defferrari R, Fischer M, Hero B, Hogarty MD, Irwin MS, Koster J, Kreissman S, Ladenstein R, Lapouble E, Laureys G, London WB, Mazzocco K, Nakagawara A, Noguera R, Ohira M, Park JR, Pötschger U, Theissen J, Tonini GP, Valteau-Couanet D, Varesio L, Versteeg R, Speleman F, Maris JM, Schleiermacher G, De Preter K
Genomic amplifications and distal 6q-loss: novel markers for poor survival in high-risk neuroblastoma patients. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2018, 110(10): 1084-1093.

Mondal T, Juvvuna PK, Kirkeby A, Mitra S, Kosalai ST, Traxler L, Hertwig F, Wernig-Zorc S, Miranda C, Deland L, Volland R, Bartenhagen C, Bartsch D, Bandaru S, Engesser A, Subhash S, Martinsson T, Caren H, Akyürek LM, Kurian L, Kanduri M, Huarte M, Kogner P, Fischer M, Kanduri C
Sense-antisense lncRNA pair encoded by locus 6p22.3 determines neuroblastoma susceptibility via USP36-CHD7-SOX9 gene regulatory axis. Cancer Cell, 2018, 33: 417-434.

Bergmeier V, Etich J, Pitzler L, Frie C, Koch M, Fischer M, Rappl G, Abken H, Tomasek JJ, Brachvogel B
Identification of a myofibroblast-specific expression signature in skin wounds. Matrix Biol, 2018, 65: 59-74.

De Wilde B, Beckers A, Lindner S, Althoff K, De Preter K, Depuydt P, Mestdagh P, Sante T, Lefever S, Hertwig F, Peng Z, Shi L, Lee S, Vandermarliere E, Martens L, Menten B, Schramm A, Fischer M, Schulte JH, Vandesompele J, Speleman F
The mutational landscape of MYCN, Lin28b and ALKF1174L driven murine neuroblastoma mimics human disease. Oncotarget, 2017, 9: 8334-8349.

Rosswog C, Schmidt R, Oberthuer A, Juraeva D, Brors B, Engesser A, Kahlert Y, Volland R, Bartenhagen C, Simon T, Berthold F, Hero B, Faldum A, Fischer M
Molecular classification substitutes the prognostic variables stage, age, and MYCN status in neuroblastoma risk assessment. Neoplasia, 2017, 19(12): 982-990.

Russo R, Cimmino F, Pezone L, Manna F, Avitabile M, Langella C, Koster J, Casale F, Raia M, Viola G, Fischer M, Iolascon A, Capasso M
Kinome expression profiling of human neuroblastoma tumors identifies potential drug targets for ultra high-risk patients. Carcinogenesis, 2017, 38(10): 1011-1020.

Lodrini M, Sprüssel A, Astrahantseff K, Tiburtius D, Konschak R, Hundsdörfer P, Lode HN, Fischer M, Keilholz U, Eggert A, Deubzer HE
Using droplet digital PCR to analyze MYCN and ALK copy number in plasma from patients with neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(49): 85234-85251.

Layer J, Kronmüller MT, Quast T, van den Boorn-Konijnenberg D, Effern M, Hinze D, Althoff K, Schramm A, Westermann F, Peifer M, Hartmann G, Tüting T, Kolanus W, Fischer M, Schulte J, Hölzel M
Amplification of N-Myc is associated with a T cell-poor microenvironment in metastatic neuroblastoma restraining interferon pathway activity and chemokine expression. Oncoimmunology, 2017, 6(6): e1320626.

Hamisch C, Kickingereder P, Fischer M, Simon T, Ruge MI
Update on the diagnostic value and safety of stereotactic biopsy for pediatric brainstem tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 735 cases. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 2017, 20(3): 261-268.

Thole T, Lodrini M, Fabian J, Wünschel J, Pfeil S, Hielscher T, Kopp-Schneider A, Heinicke U, Fulda S, Witt O, Eggert A, Fischer M, Deubzer H
Neuroblastoma cells depend on HDAC11 for mitotic cell cycle progression and survival. Cell Death Dis, 2017, 8(3): e2635.

Geoerger B, Bourdeaut F, DuBois SG, Fischer M, Geller JI, Gottardo NG, Marabelle A, Pearson ADJ, Modak S, Cash T, Robinson GW, Motta M, Matano A, Bhansali SG, Dobson JR, Parasuraman S, Chi SN
A phase I study of the CDK4/6 inhibitor Ribociclib (LEE011) in pediatric patients with malignant rhabdoid tumors, neuroblastoma, and other solid tumors. Clin Cancer Res, 2017, 23(10): 2433-2441.

Pajtler KW, Sadowski N, Ackermann S, Althoff K, Schönbeck K, Batzke K, Schäfers S, Odersky A, Heukamp L, Astrahantseff K, Künkele A, Deubzer HE, Schramm A, Sprüssel A, Thor T, Lindner S, Eggert A, Fischer M, Schulte JH
The GSK461364 PLK1 inhibitor exhibits strong antitumoral activity in preclinical neuroblastoma models. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(4): 6730-6741.

Fabian J, Opitz D, Althoff K, Lodrini M, Hero B, Volland R, Beckers A, De Preter K, Decock A, Patil N, Abba M, Kopp-Schneider A, Astrahantseff K, Wünschel J, Pfeil S, Ercu M, Künkele A, Hu J, Thole T, Schweizer L, Mechtersheimer G, Carter D, Cheung BB, Popanda O, von Deimling A, Koster J, Versteeg R, Schwab M, Marshall GM, Speleman F, Erb U, Zoeller M, Allgayer H, Simon T, Fischer M, Kulozik AE, Eggert A, Witt O, Schulte JH, Deubzer H
MYCN and HDAC5 transcriptionally repress CD9 to trigger invasion and metastasis in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(41): 66344-66359.

Dorneburg C, Goß AV, Fischer M, Roels F, Barth TF, Berthold F, Kappler R, Oswald F, Siveke JT, Molenaar JJ, Debatin KM, Beltinger C
g-secretase inhibitor I inhibits neuroblastoma cells, with NOTCH and the proteasome among its targets. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(39): 62799-62813.

Duffy DJ, Krstic A, Schwarzl T, Halasz M, Iljin K, Fey D, Haley B, Whilde J, Haapa-Paananen S, Fey V, Fischer M, Westermann F, Henrich KO, Bannert S, Higgins DG, Kolch W
Wnt signalling is a bi-directional vulnerability of cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(37): 60310-60331.

Henrich KO, Bender S, Saadati M, Dreidax D, Gartlgruber M, Shao C, Herrmann C, Wiesenfarth M, Parzonka M, Wehrmann L, Fischer M, Duffy DJ, Bell E, Torkov A, Schmezer P, Plass C, Höfer T, Benner A, Pfister SM, Westermann F
Integrative Genome-Scale Analysis Identifies Epigenetic Mechanisms of Transcriptional Deregulation in Unfavorable Neuroblastomas. Cancer Res, 2016, 76(18): 5523-5537.

Ribeiro D, Klarqvist MDR, Westermark UK, Oliynyk G, Dzieran J, Kock A, Savatier Banares C, Hertwig F, Johnsen JI, Fischer M, Kogner P, Lovén J, Arsenian Henriksson M
Regulation of the nuclear hormone receptor family by MYCN-driven miRNAs impacts neural differentiation and survival in neuroblastoma patients. Cell Rep, 2016, 16(4): 979-993.

Worst BC, van Tilburg CM, Balasubramanian GP, Fiesel P, Witt R, Freitag A, Boudalil M, Previti C, Wolf S, Schmidt S, Chotewutmontri S, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Schick M, Schlesner M, Hutter B, Taylor L, Borst T, Sutter C, Bartram CR, Milde T, Pfaff E, Kulozik AE, von Stackelberg A, Meisel R, Borkhardt A, Reinhardt D, Klusmann JH, Fleischhack G, Tippelt S, Dirksen U, Jürgens H, Kramm CM, von Bueren AO, Westermann F, Fischer M, Burkhardt B, Wößmann W, Nathrath M, Bielack SS, Frühwald MC, Fulda S, Klingebiel T, Koscielniak E, Schwab M, Tremmel R, Hernáiz Driever P, Schulte JH, Brors B, von Deimling A, Lichter P, Eggert A, Capper D, Pfister SM, Witt O
Next-generation personalized medicine for high-risk pediatric cancer patients - the INFORM pilot study. Eur J Cancer, 2016, 65: 91-101.

Damm-Welk C, Siddiqi F, Fischer M, Hero B, Narayanan V, Camidge DR, Harris M, Burke A, Lehrnbecher T, Pulford K, Oschlies I, Siebert R, Turner S, Woessmann W
Differential Anti-ALK Immune Response In Patients With Varying ALK-Positive Malignancies As Measured By Anti-ALK Antibody Titres. J Cancer, 2016, 7(11): 1383-1387.

Formicola D, Petrosino G, Lasorsa VA, Pignataro P, Cimmino F, Vetrella S, Longo L, Tonini GP, Oberthuer A, Iolascon A, Fischer M, Capasso M
An 18 gene expression-based score classifier predicts the clinical outcome in stage 4 neuroblastoma. J Transl Med, 2016, 14(1): 142.

Ikram F, Ackermann S, Kahlert Y, Volland R, Roels F, Engesser A, Hertwig F, Kocak H, Hero B, Dreidax D, Henrich KO, Berthold F, Nürnberg P, Westermann F, Fischer M
Transcription factor activating protein 2 beta (TFAP2B) mediates noradrenergic neuronal differentiation in neuroblastoma. Mol Oncol, 2016, 10(2): 344-359.

Riehl LM, Schulte JH, Mulaw MA, Dahlhaus M, Fischer M, Schramm A, Eggert A, Debatin KM, Beltinger C
The mitochondrial genetic landscape in neuroblastoma from tumor initiation to relapse. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(6): 6620-6625.

Thompson D, Vo KT, London WB, Fischer M, Ambros PF, Nakagawara A, Brodeur GM, Matthay KK, DuBois SG
Identification of patient subgroups with markedly disparate rates of MYCN amplification in neuroblastoma:  A report from the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) project. Cancer, 2016, 122(6): 935-945.

Dahlhaus M, Burkovski A, Hertwig F, Mussel C, Volland R, Fischer M, Debatin KM, Kestler HA, Beltinger C
Boolean modeling identifies greatwall/MASTL as an important regulator in the AURKA network of neuroblastoma. Cancer Lett, 2016, 371(1): 79-89.

Peifer M, Hertwig F, Roels F, Dreidax D, Gartlgruber M, Menon R, Krämer A, Roncaioli JL, Sand F, Heuckmann J, Ikram F, Schmidt R, Ackermann S, Engesser A, Kahlert Y, Vogel W, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Mariappan A, Heynck S, Mariotti E, Henrich KO, Glöckner C, Bosco G, Leuschner I, Schweiger MR, Savelyeva L, Watkins SC, Shao C, Bell E, Höfer T, Achter V, Lang U, Theissen J, Volland R, Saadati M, Eggert A, de Wilde B, Berthold F, Peng Z, Zhao C, Shi L, Ortmann M, Büttner R, Perner S, Hero B, Schramm A, Schulte JH, Herrmann C, O’Sullivan RJ, Westermann F, Thomas RK, Fischer M
Telomerase activation by genomic rearrangements in high-risk neuroblastoma. Nature, 2015, 526: 700-704.

Fey D, Halasz M, Dreidax D, Kennedy SP, Hastings JF, Rauch N, Garcia Munoz A, Pilkington R, Fischer M, Westermann F, Kolch W, Kholodenko BN, Croucher DR
Patient-specific simulations of JNK pathway activity correlate apoptotic signaling with neuroblastoma patient survival. Sci Signal, 2015, 8(408): ra130.

Duffy DJ, Krstic A, Halasz M, Schwarzl T, Fey D, Iljin K, Mehta JP, Killick K, Whilde J, Turriziani B, Haapa-Paananen S, Fey V, Fischer M, Westermann F, Henrich KO, Bannert S, Higgins DG, Kolch W
Integrative omics reveals MYCN as a global suppressor of cellular signalling and enables network-based therapeutic target discovery in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(41): 43182-201.

Carter DR, Murray J, Cheung BB, Gamble L, Koach J, Tsang J, Sutton S, Kalla H, Syed S, Gifford AJ, Issaeva N, Biktasova A, Atmadibrata B, Sun Y, Sokolowski N, Ling D, Kim PY, Webber H, Clark A, Ruhle M, Liu B, Oberthuer A, Fischer M, Byrne J, Saletta F, Thwe LM, Purmal A, Haderski G, Burkhart C, Speleman F, De Preter K, Beckers A, Ziegler D, Liu T, Gurova KV, Gudkov AV, Norris MD, Haber M, Marshall GM
Therapeutic targeting of the MYC signal by inhibition of histone chaperone FACT in neuroblastoma. Sci Transl Med, 2015, 7(312): 312ra176.

Abdallah AT, Fischer M, Nürnberg P, Nothnagel M, Frommolt P
CoNCoS: Copy number estimation in cancer with controlled support. J Bioinf Comput Biol, 2015, 13(5): 1550027.

Schramm A, Köster J, Assenov Y, Althoff K, Peifer M, Mahlow E, Odersky A, Beisser D, Ernst C, Henssen AG, Stephan H, Schröder C, Heukamp L, Engesser A, Kahlert Y, Theissen J, Hero B, Roels F, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Astrahantseff K, Gloeckner C, De Preter K, Plass C, Lee S, Lode HN, Henrich KO, Gartlgruber M, Speleman F, Schmezer P, Westermann F, Rahmann S*, Fischer M*, Eggert A*, Schulte JH*
Mutational dynamics between primary and relapse neuroblastomas. Nat Genet, 2015, 47(8): 872-877; *equal contribution.

Zhang W, Yu Y, Hertwig F, Thierry-Mieg J, Zhang W, Thierry-Mieg D, Wang J, Furlanello C, Devanarayan V, Cheng J, Deng Y, Hero B, Hong H, Jia M, Li L, Lin SM, Nikolsky Y, Oberthuer A, Qing T, Su Z, Volland R, Wang C, Wang MD, Ai J, Albanese D, Asgharzadeh S, Avigad S, Bao W, Bessarabova M, Brilliant MH, Brors B, Chierici M, Chu TM, Zhang J, Grundy RG, He MM, Hebbring S, Kaufman HL, Lababidi S, Lancashire LJ, Li Y, Lu XX, Luo H, Ma X, Ning B, Noguera R, Peifer M, Phan JH, Roels F, Rosswog C, Shao S, Shen J, Theissen J, Tonini GP, Vandesompele J, Wu PY, Xiao W, Xu J, Xu W, Xuan J, Yang Y, Ye Z, Dong Z, Zhang KK, Yin Y, Zhao C, Zheng Y, Wolfinger RD, Shi T, Malkas LH, Berthold F, Wang J, Tong W, Shi L, Peng Z, Fischer M
Comparison of RNA-seq and microarray-based models for clinical endpoint prediction. Genome Biol, 2015, 16(1): 133.

Lindner S, Bachmann HS, Odersky A, Schaefers S, Klein-Hitpass L, Hero B, Fischer M, Eggert A, Schramm A, Schulte JH
Absence of telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter mutations in neuroblastoma. Biomed Rep, 2015, 3(4): 443-446.

Lau DT, Flemming CL, Gherardi S, Perini G, Oberthuer A, Fischer M, Juraeva D, Brors B, Xue C, Norris MD, Marshall GM, Haber M, Fletcher JI, Ashton LJ
MYCN amplification confers enhanced folate dependence and methotrexate sensitivity in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(17): 15510-15523.

Oberthuer A, Juraeva D, Hero B, Volland R, Sterz C, Schmidt R, Faldum A, Kahlert Y, Engesser A, Asgharzadeh S, Seeger R, Ohira M, Nakagawara M, Scaruffi P, Tonini GP, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Delattre O, Schleiermacher G, Vandesompele J, Speleman F, Noguera R, Piqueras M, Bénard J, Valent A, Avigad S, Yaniv I, Grundy RG, Ortmann M, Shao C, Schwab M, Eils R, Simon T, Theissen J, Berthold F, Westermann F, Brors B, Fischer M
Revised risk estimation and treatment stratification of low- and intermediate-risk neuroblastoma patients by integrating clinical and molecular prognostic markers. Clin Cancer Res, 2015, 21(8): 1904-1915.

Ackermann S, Kocak H, Hero B, Ehemann V, Kahlert Y, Oberthür A, Roels F, Theißen J, Odenthal M, Berthold F, Fischer M
FOXP1 inhibits cell growth and reduces tumorigenicity of neuroblastoma. BMC Cancer, 2014, 14(1): 840.

Su Z, Fang H, Hong H, Shi L, Zhang W, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Dong Z, Lancashire LJ, Bessarabova M, Yang X, Ning B, Gong B, Meehan J, Xu J, Ge W, Perkins R, Fischer M*, Tong W*
An investigation of biomarkers derived from legacy microarray data for their utility in the RNA-seq era. Genome Biol, 2014, 15(12): 523; *Corresponding author.

Pandey GK, Mitra S, Subhash S, Hertwig F, Kanduri M, Mishra K, Fransson S, Ganeshram A, Mondal T, Bandaru S, Östensson M, Akyürek LM, Abrahamsson J, Pfeifer S, Larsson E, Shi L, Peng Z, Fischer M, Martinsson T, Hedborg F, Kogner P, Kanduri C
Neuroblastoma transcriptome sequencing reveals a risk associated long noncoding RNA NBAT-1 that controls tumor progression via regulating cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation. Cancer Cell, 2014, 26(5): 722-737.

Dreidax D, Bannert S, Henrich KO, Schröder C, Bender S, Oakes CC, Lindner S, Schulte J, Duffy D, Schwarzl T, Saadati M, Ehemann V, Benner A, Pfister S, Fischer M, Westermann F
p19-INK4d inhibits neuroblastoma cell growth, induces differentiation and is hypermethylated and downregulated in MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas. Hum Mol Genet, 2014, 23(25): 6826-6837.

Su Z, Łabaj PP, Li S, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Shi W, Wang C, Schroth GP, Setterquist RA, Thompson JF, Jones WD, Xiao W, Xu W, Jensen RV, Kelly R, Xu J, Conesa A, Furlanello C, Gao H, Hong H, Jafari N, Letovsky S, Liao Y, Lu F, Oakeley EJ, Peng Z, Praul CA, Santoyo-Lopez J, Scherer A, Shi T, Smyth GK, Staedtler F, Sykacek P, Tan XX, Thompson EA, Vandesompele J, Wang MD, Wang J, Wolfinger RD, Zavadil J, Auerbach SS, Bao W, Binder H, Blomquist T, Brilliant MH, Bushel PR, Cai W, Catalano JG, Chang CW, Chen T, Chen G, Chen R, Chierici M, Chu TM, Clevert DA, Deng Y, Derti A, Devanarayan V, Dong Z, Dopazo J, Du T, Fang H, Fang Y, Fasold M, Fernandez A, Fischer M, Furió-Tari P, Fuscoe JC, Gaj S, Gandara J, Gao H, Ge W, Gondo Y, Gong B, Gong M, Gong Z, Green B, Guo C, Guo L, Guo LW, Hadfield J, Hellemans J, Hochreiter S, Jia M, Jian M, Johnson CD, Kay S, Kleinjans J, Lababidi S, Levy S, Li QZ, Li L, Li L, Li P, Li Y, Li H, Li J, Li S, Lin SM, López FJ, Lu X, Luo H, Ma X, Meehan J, Megherbi DB, Mei N, Mu B, Ning B, Pandey A, Pérez-Florido J, Perkins RG, Peters R, Phan JH, Pirooznia M, Qian F, Qing T, Rainbow L, Rocca-Serra P, Sambourg L, Sansone SA, Schwartz S, Shah R, Shen J, Smith TM, Stegle O, Stralis-Pavese N, Stupka E, Suzuki Y, Szkotnicki LT, Tinning M, Tu B, van Delft J, Vela A, Venturini E, Walker SJ, Wan L, Wang W, Wang J, Wang J, Wieben ED, Willey JC, Wu PY, Xuan J, Yang Y, Ye Z, Yin Y, Yu Y, Yuan YC, Zhang J, Zhang KK, Zhang W, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zheng Y, Zhou Y, Zumbo P, Tong W, Kreil DP, Mason CE, Shi L
A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequence Quality Control consortium. Nat Biotechnol, 2014, 32(9): 903-914.

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Lodrini M, Oehme I, Schroeder C, Milde T, Schier M, Kopp-Schneider A, Schulte J,  Fischer M, De Preter K, Pattyn F, Castoldi M, Muckenthaler M, Kulozik A, Westermann F, Witt O, Deubzer H
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Coco S, Theissen J, Scaruffi P, Stigliani S, Moretti S, Oberthuer A, Valdora F, Fischer M, Gallo F, Hero B, Bonassi S, Berthold F, Tonini GP
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Schulte JH, Bachmann H, Brockmeyer B, DePreter K, Oberthuer A, Ackermann S, Kahlert Y, Pajtler K, Theissen J, Westermann F, Vandesompele J, Speleman F, Berthold F, Eggert A, Brors B, Hero B, Schramm A, Fischer M
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Henrich KO, Bauer T, Schulte J, Ehemann V, Deubzer H, Gogolin S, Muth D, Fischer M, Benner A, König R, Schwab M, Westermann F
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Oberthuer A, Hero B, Berthold F, Juraeva D, Faldum A, Kahlert Y, Asgharzadeh S, Seeger R, Scaruffi P, Tonini GP, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Delattre O, Schleiermacher G, Vandesompele J, Vermeulen J, Speleman F, Noguera R, Piqueras M, Bénard J, Valent A, Avigad S, Yaniv I, Weber A, Christiansen H, Grundy RG, Schardt K, Schwab M, Eils R, Warnat P, Kaderali L, Simon T, DeCarolis B, Theissen J, Westermann F, Brors B, Fischer M
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Muth D, Ghazaryan S, Eckerle I, Beckett E, Pöhler C, Batzler J, Beisel C, Gogolin S, Fischer M, Henrich KO, Ehemann V, Gillespie P, Schwab M, Westermann F
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Eckerle I, Muth D, Batzler J, Henrich KO, Lutz W, Fischer M, Witt O, Schwab M, Westermann F
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II Übersichtsarbeiten und Korrespondenz

Rosswog C, Fischer M
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Shi L, Kusko R, Wolfinger RD, Haibe-Kains B, Fischer M, Sansone SA, Mason CE, Furlanello C, Jones WD, Ning B, Tong W
The International MAQC Society launched to enhance reproducibility of high-throughput technologies. Nat Biotechnol, 2017, 35(12): 1127-1128.

Simon T, Hero B, Schulte JH, Deubzer H, Hundsdoerfer P, von Schweinitz D, Fuchs J, Schmidt M, Prasad V, Krug B, Timmermann B, Leuschner I, Fischer M, Langer T, Astrahantseff K, Berthold B, Lode H, Eggert A
2017 GPOH Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Neuroblastic Tumors. Klin Padiatr, 2017, 229: 147-167.

Hertwig F, Peifer M, Fischer M
Telomere maintenance is pivotal for high-risk neuroblastoma. Cell Cycle, 2016, 15(3): 311-312.

Schulte JH, Schulte S, Heukamp LC, Astrahantseff K, Stephan H, Fischer M, Schramm A, Eggert A
Targeted therapy for neuroblastoma: ALK inhibitors. Klin Padiatr, 2013, 225(6): 303-308.

Fischer M, Berthold F
The role of complex genomic alterations in neuroblastoma risk estimation. Genome Med, 2010, 2: 31.

Oberthuer A, Theissen J, Westermann F, Hero B, Fischer M
Molecular characterization and classification of neuroblastoma. Future Oncol, 2009, 5(5): 625-639.

Fischer M, Spitz R, Oberthür A, Westermann F, Berthold F
Risk estimation of neuroblastoma patients using molecular markers. Klin Padiatr, 2008, 220: 137-146.

Fischer M, Oberthür A, von Schweinitz D, Simon T
Das Neuroblastom. Onkologe, 2005, 11: 1054-1064.

Klein U, Goossens T, Fischer M, Kanzler H, Braeuninger A, Rajewsky K, Küppers R
Somatic hypermutation in normal and transformed B cells. Immunol Rev, 1998, 162: 261-280.

III Buchkapitel und Leitlinien

Simon T, Hero B, Eggert A, Lode H, Fischer M, Timmermann B, Schwarz R, Fuchs J, von Schweinitz D, Vokuhl C, Schmidt M, Körber F, Schäfer J
S1-Leitlinie 025-008 Neuroblastom. AWMF online, 06/2019.

Eggert A, Simon T, Hero B, Lode H, Ladenstein R, Fischer M, Berthold F
In: Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie. Hrsg. Niemeyer C, Eggert A. Springer 2018..